
We have included a “Donate” button to give you an opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry. Most of the trips that I make are to poorer locations that can rarely afford to pay, even for the plane ticket. Your donations are a blessing both to me and to the people I get to teach.

In 2010 I had the chance to teach 350+ students in 9 countries on 20 trips. These trips included 12 Discipleship Training Schools, 3 Samaritan’s Purse events (one with Lisa), a trip to help with the Haiti relief, a parenting seminar with Lisa, and schools with Hannah's Haven and the Salvation Army. This added up to 125 days of traveling. I also had the opportunity to go on 12 outings with the students to get to know them better in a more casual setting. This gave me the chance to bless them outside of the classroom.

A typical trip will cost around $1,000 for plane ticket, visa expenses, travel costs, and student outings. There are also expenses for providing these teachings for free. Your donations help to cover these fees and help us affect an even greater number of people.

You may donate via Venmo at @crossroadsfm, via PayPal at kodypc@yahoo.com.

Please note that these are NOT tax deductible at this time. 100% of the money is used to take the love of Jesus and the Father to students around the world. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact me with your specific request.